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data-driven decisions

Turn Data Overwhelm Into Strategic Moves at Scale

Partner with Team of Teams® experts to transform the deluge of information into a discipline of fact-based decision making.

Discussing the power of artificial intelligence.

Does your org have more data than clarity?

You're not alone.
Even the most sophisticated organizations struggle to find actionable insights in the rising sea of their own data. Meanwhile, orgs that manage to tame, channel, and sift their data into strategic moves at scale will continue to pull ahead.  




Harness the strategic power of your organization's data.

Make your organization into a model of fact-based decision making with McChrystal Group's Data-Driven Decisions solution.

Establish Order

Unify disparate information streams into a single system designed to maximize data integrity and security.


Accelerate Intelligence

Equip your org to extract the real-time insights from its data that power winning moves now and in the future.

Upgrade Skills 

Give everyone in the organization the power to translate the data they can access into timely, fact-based decisions. 


Stay Ahead

Keep your data-to-decision ecosystem healthy, up-to-date, and agile with regular support from our experts.




How To Make Data-Driven Decisions A Discipline That Lasts.

Establishing a new, organization-wide discipline can be difficult. Making it stick can be even harder.

Fortunately, our Data-Driven Decisions solution is built on Team of Teams® principles that continue to sustain big changes at 100+ organizations across industries. 

Here's how the process works:

We begin by understanding your current data landscape and knowledge management practices, which includes:

  • Data Inventory: Cataloging all available data sources, both internal and external.
  • Data Quality Analysis: Assessing the accuracy, consistency, and completeness of your data.
  • Knowledge Audit: Evaluating how information is currently captured, stored, and shared within your organization.

Based on our assessment, we develop a tailored data management strategy designed to enhance decision-making capabilities, which includes:

  • Data Governance Framework: Establishing policies and procedures to ensure data integrity and security.
  • Data Integration: Streamlining data from various sources into a unified system for better accessibility and analysis.
  • Knowledge Management Systems: Implementing platforms that facilitate efficient information sharing and collaboration.

We equip your organization with the tools and expertise needed to turn raw data into actionable insights:

  • Data Analytics: Utilizing advanced analytics techniques to uncover patterns, trends, and insights.
  • Business Intelligence (BI) Tools: Implementing BI solutions that provide real-time data visualization and reporting.
  • Predictive Analytics: Leveraging historical data to forecast future trends and inform strategic planning.

Ensuring your team can effectively use new data and knowledge management tools is critical for new disciplines to last. This phase includes:

  • Training Programs: Conducting comprehensive training sessions tailored to various user levels.
  • Ongoing Support: Providing continuous support to address any challenges and ensure optimal use of data systems.
  • Change Management: Facilitating a smooth transition to new processes and technologies with minimal disruption.

The care and nurture of a data-driven ecosystem is an ongoing process. That's why we help you keep it healthy with regular reviews and updates which include:

  • Performance Monitoring: Setting up dashboards to continuously monitor data management performance.
  • Periodic Audits: Conducting regular evaluations to identify new opportunities for improvement.
  • Scalability Plans: Ensuring your data management strategy can grow with your business needs.
McChrystal Group and Microsoft Solutions


McChrystal Group is a proud Enterprise Modern Work Solutions Partner, a status less than 1% of Microsoft partners achieve, along with holding an Advanced Specialization in Adoption and Change Management, bestowed upon partners who demonstrate deep knowledge, extensive experience, and proven success driving Microsoft 365 usage, integrating Microsoft Viva, and driving organizational change.

We Want to Hear From You.

We’d love to learn more about you, your team, and your challenges.
Our team is ready to help.