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Industry Insights

With proven experience across industries, we work side by side with teams to help them solve their most pressing and complex challenges. In doing so, we glean new industry perspectives and insights that equip leaders with a better understanding of their team dynamics and the root causes of issues. Explore our industry insights to learn about the key workforce trends in various sectors and how leaders can navigate them.

Two people having a friendly conversation

Employees who feel a sense of belonging at work are over 5x more likely to plan to stay with their organization than are employees who feel isolated.

Employees who routinely receive updates on the status of organizational objectives are 38% more engaged than employees who do not.

Employees who feel there is room for additional growth at the organization are roughly 3x more likely to be motivated.

Employees who say their company’s strategies are actionable are 4x more likely to be motivated.

Fusion Cells bolster trust with transparency and communication.

Where should leaders focus?

Keep your finger on the pulse of your industry. Whether it's burnout, Quiet Quitting, the Great Resignation, the Great Reprioritization, Quiet Firing or whatever the next term or trend is, stay ahead with timely, relevant data insights. Despite the ever-changing environment, the organizational issues that leaders struggle with remain consistent: employee engagement, decision-making, accountability, communication and collaboration, and operating rhythm.

Our team has collected and assessed the data across industries to provide you with actionable insights to help you drive the results that matter.

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Industry Insights


Government employees are often overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated as personnel shortages and challenges facing our nation grow in scope and complexity each year.  Employees in the government sector don’t feel like their organizations care about them and their well-being. Leaders can build trust—which leads to well-being—among their teams with a clearly communicated, shared vision of success.


Life Sciences

Things move fast in life sciences, but at what expense? Employees in the life sciences industry too often aren’t provided with an explanation of the “why” and are not given the preparation time necessary to act on priorities set by leadership. A lack of appropriate lead time and notice to execute key priorities slows decision making, creating obstacles to realizing organizational goals.



McChrystal Group data on the healthcare industry indicate accountability needs improvement in the workplace, with employees now being 20% less likely to agree that when objectives are not met, the responsible parties are held accountable.



Emergency Management

McChrystal Group data show emergency management teams generally outperform other government sectors in organizational behaviors. However, data show emergency managers struggle to drive a shared understanding of the operating environment and share information effectively across teams.


Financial Services

McChrystal Group’s data shows a lack of communication among middle managers in the financial services sector, leading to teams having less predictable work rhythms. An operating rhythm is the underpinning of long-term organizational success, but it requires intentionality and consistency. McChrystal Group partnered with a leading financial services provider to change communications and information sharing to establish efficient and predictable work rhythms, leading to increased collaboration.